Food Drives–Erindale supports the “Deacon’s Cupboard” with weekly donations of food collected during the worship service, regularly delivered palettes of food directly from a store at a wholesale price to maximize our dollar, and volunteer staffing.
The Deacon’s Cupboardis a food and community resource centre which is resourced and run cooperatively by 5 area churches. It is housed at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, and staffed by volunteers from all the congregations. Over $10,000-worth of food is distributed every month. Employment information and other health and community resources are provided for guests, along with a warm welcome, coffee and refreshments, and a listening ear.
The Dam – We support The Dam youth drop-in centre by participating in their Coldest Night walk each February, providing gifts at Christmas time and occasional meals.
OurMission and Service Fundis the central Mission fund of the United Church of Canada, and it is still the #1 target for Outreach giving in our congregation. Erindale offers about $30,000 each year; the M&S Fund does about $30 million in work every year. M&S projects range across Canada and in 40 countries around the world – always through local partnerships. See the link on the Mission and Service page.
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