Throughout the ages, the Christian Church has shown itself to be a community of singers and choirs. Wherever in the world believers gather, they use their voices to glorify God and proclaim His majesty and love for all of humanity. The scriptures provide many examples where music and song were essential elements of early Christian ministry. Jesus sang with the disciples at the Last Supper just before his crucifixion. (Matthew 26:30); the apostle Paul encouraged the Colossians to sing joyfully, giving thanks to God for his love and faithfulness to his people (Colossians 3:16).
As a community of the faithful, Erindale United Church therefore acknowledges, accepts and joyfully celebrates God’s gift of music to all of creation. It connects us to the divine and to each other. At Erindale, it is our intention to use our voices and instruments to declare the sovereignty to God, to give praise, express gratitude for his suffering to bring us salvation (Romans 10:9 & 10) and proclaim to the world that our ministry of music is an act of worship, anchoring our personal and corporate relationship with the Creator.
Following biblical models and traditions, our selection of hymns and songs will reinforce those spiritual truths which underlie all aspects of our lives – our thoughts, attitudes and actions. We will use, as often as possible, a participatory model, as congregational singing reminds us of our individual and common obligations to engage in continuous worshiping of God as a unified body (Psalm 111:1). Our music will reflect the joy of being a Christian and a thankful and grateful spirit (Ephesians 5:19), and the words that are chosen for music in worship will represent our faith and the fact that we use inclusive language for God in the United Church.
Additionally, we recognize that the church is not a static institution. To be meaningful and relevant, we will endeavor to be thoughtful so that our musical offerings reflect the changing times, our diverse congregation and the wider Erindale community in which the church exists. As we continue to honour and embrace the lofty traditions we have inherited, we will incorporate a range of genres and styles to present music that sustains, nourishes and empowers our varied membership – cultural, generational, the talented and skilled – emphasizing the beauty, diversity and unity of God’s people everywhere.
(Approved by the Church Council, June 26, 2019)